Friday, July 1, 2011


Hello, I'm Serge, and I am a 17 year old American guy that loves to read. I am all about school, friends and books, especially books. That is why I have decided to start a Tumblr where I can share my experiences with the words, words, words that I have read. I always find myself going on and on about novels to my friends, so I figured, "Hey, I should blog about this!" It's a win-win situation. I get to release all the thoughts that are jammed in my head, while I keep a record of what I've read. Yeah, It is pretty nerdy of me.
I devour a variety of books, whether they are action, romance, suspense, or historical. I love them all. Although, I do have to say I have a big weakness for the classics. I love Catcher in the Rye, Frankenstein, The Great Gatsby, Madame Bovary, among others. Even so, I do read my contemporaries as well, like John Green's works.
Over the past two or so months I have compiled a collection of books that I wish to blog about this summer. They include classics, youth novels, foreign's just one big mix, and I intend to blog it all! muahahaha
Having said that, I do want to clarify that I am no connoisseur on books/writing at all. I don't have a degree on literature, or anything. I'm just a reader that's sharing his reaction to pieces of work through tumblr. Oh, and by the way, this isn't a book review blog. My goal is NOT to sell the novel-another guy does that. I'm just here talk about the book in whatever way I fancy, so if I give anything of the plot away, I'm sorry I don't mean to.
Alright, I hope you enjoy my blog because I know that I will since I'm mostly doing this for me. I'm excited alright bye

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